Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A little about me...

I woke up today, and I realized that you readers have absolutely no idea who I am. So to keep everyone from thinking that I'm some 60 year old creep trying to teach beginners guitar, I'll tell you a bit about myself. My name is Rachel, and I'm 15. I'm currently living in Virginia, but I have lived in California and...wait for it... Fiji! Yes, Fiji was once my home. It was only for short period of time though, as it was a missions trip. But it was quite the experience. My parents have given me an incredible life so far, whether they realize it or not. I have had experiences that most people can only dream about. And of course, guitar comes into this too. My dad, no matter where we live, always has his guitar. From the view of a little girl who is so in awe of her dad to begin with, seeing her dad do something as cool as play the guitar was amazing. I never thought I could learn to play, nor did I really make an effort until last year. My dad has had his acoustic guitar (I'll be showing our guitars later on..) since he was just a kid. His uncle gave it to him. My dad has told me stories about how he would sit in his room for hours and teach himself to play. He's the kind of person that starts something, and finishes no matter what. So you can imagine the skill level he's made it to from teaching himself. And he still plays at the age of 40. So one of my last school nights of eighth grade, I picked up my dads guitar and asked him to teach me. He started out with two simple chords (G and C)... and the rest is history... a year later. My guitar skills aren't insane, but I definitely have improved since my first strums. My dream isn't to grow up and be the next Taylor Swift, but I hope to show at least some of my friends and fellow bloggers that playing the guitar isn't that difficult. I bet some of you wonder... can she sing?! But I'm not going to waste your time trying to convince you all (like millions of other teenage girls) that my voice is amazing and I'll be famous one day... because I won't. But do plan on singing in a few videos, nothing special. I wanted give you guys another heads up of what this blog is really about... I'm trying to help people learn to play the guitar, simple as that. I'm hoping to teach people through posts and videos. I'm also trying to teach from the way that I learned, which is hopefully an easier method than most online guitar "lessons". Thanks again for reading and keep stopping by! (:

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